KS4 Curriculum


Year 9 is a key point in a students’ career as they choose their options. A booklet and video is available with further information about how the options process works, the Key Stage 4 curriculum and the areas which students and parents/carers may consider at this point. In addition, the Year 9 Parents’ Evening is timed in order to give further support for students, parents/carers when making choices.

Option Booklet 2024-2026

Parent/Carer Video

The curriculum students follow in Years 10 and 11 is essentially divided into two parts: the core and the option subjects.

The core is the compulsory part of the curriculum and is largely determined by the government.

The core is divided into 2 parts:

  • Level 2 qualifications (GCSE, NVQ), which are examined.
  • Subjects which are not examined.


The examined part of the core consists of the following subjects:

  • Mathematics GCSE
  • English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs)
  • Science GCSE (Combined or Separate)
  • One Language – French, Spanish or German
  • Humanities – History or Geography

The non-examined part of the core is:

  • PE
  • Computing
  • RE (also available as an optional RS GCSE)
  • PSHE (including Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), Citizenship, Careers and Work Related Learning)


Students choose three option subjects. Option choices cover a wide range of academic and DfE approved high quality vocational courses, which are agreed annually to meet the needs of all students.

Current Option subjects are:

GCSE: Art, Business Studies, Computer Science, Drama, Geography, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Design & Technology, Geography, History, Media Studies, Second Modern Foreign Language, Music, PE, Photography, Religious Studies, Sociology and Textiles.

OCR Cambridge National: Health and Social Care.