Performance Tables
Performance Tables
Click here to view the DfE School Performance Tables for Kings Norton Girls’ School & Sixth Form.
Headline Data for 2023 KS4
- Progress 8 Score: +0.67
- Attainment 8 Score: 58.1
- % of students who achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths at the end of KS4: 63%
- % of pupils who were entered for the English Baccalaureate: 83%
- English Baccalaureate Average Point Score: 5.52
- % of students who stayed in in education or employment after KS4: 93% (2021 leavers)
Headline data for 2023 KS5
- Average grade at KS5: B-
- Progress students made in English and maths: n/a
- Retention: (% of students that complete programme of study they enrolled on): 96%
- Destinations (% of students who continue in education/training, or move onto employment at the end of 16-19 study: 91% (2021 leavers)