Admission of Children Outside their Normal Year Group
KNGS is committed to ensuring all children start school when they’re ready and for the transition to take place at the right time for each child. We acknowledge that parents are usually best placed to make this decision and will endeavour to support families throughout this process.
In line with the Department for Education’s, School Admissions Code (2021), families may request a place for their child outside of her/his normal chronological age group, to any year group if:
- the child is gifted and talented
- the child has experienced problems such as ill health
- other reason
Each application will be considered and decided by KNGS on the individual circumstances of each case. Applicants must provide documentation in support of their application regardless of whether they are asking for the student to be admitted to a lower or higher year group. Applicants will be notified of the decision in writing. If the request is refused, applicants may complain to KNGS using the school’s complaint process to seek a review of the decision. The complaints procedure can be found at
For further information, please refer to the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code (2021) and the process for making such requests under paragraphs 2.18, 2.19 and 2.20. This is available on the GOV.UK website.
How to make a request: If you’d like to request your child’s school place so that she/he is admitted outside of their normal year group, download and complete our Request for Entry outside of year group FORM 2020
Please note this must be completed along with the ‘Application for a Change of School In-year’ Form. Your completed forms must be returned by e-mail to Mrs Twyford, Attendance Clerk at
Parent/carer guidance on completion of the ‘Request for Entry Outside of Year Group’ form: When completing the form, the parent/carer must set out the reasons why they are seeking a place for their child outside his/her normal year group and must be accompanied with relevant evidence which may include:
- The parent/carer’s views;
- Recent information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development;
- Medical history accompanied with recent medical professional evidence;
- Information relating to whether the child has previously been educated out of their normal year group.