Modern Foreign Languages
To learn another language is to learn a skill for life. Our pupils will be entering a global workplace and so language-learning has never been more important, particularly since 75% of the world’s population do not speak English.
Modern Foreign Languages are a core subject at Kings Norton Girls’ School and all our pupils will study at least one language other than English during their time with us. We aim to equip our pupils with the skills and confidence to communicate in another language to the very best of their ability and also to understand the written and spoken form of that language.
KS3 Curriculum
On arrival at Kings Norton Girls’ School, all year 7 pupils will study French. This may build on their experiences of language-learning in their primary school or it may be completely new. In year 8, just over half of the year group will begin the study of a second language as well (either Spanish or German) and they will pursue both languages until at least the end of year 9. The remaining pupils will have extra time for French on their timetable, which allows for consolidation and confidence-building.
Our Key Stage 3 curriculum aims to give a firm foundation to language learning and to equip our pupils with the skills and good habits they will need in order to be successful. Memory skills, an awareness of phonics, attention to detail with spelling and the ability to check work carefully all feature strongly, as do the need for development of ideas and the expression and justification of opinions. Promoting an understanding of grammar is fundamental to our teaching and by the end of Key Stage 3, most pupils can refer to past, present and future events in the target language. We encourage pupils to access appropriate language-learning websites in order to consolidate the work they do in lessons and to extend their range of vocabulary.
KS4 Curriculum
Languages remain a core subject in Key Stage 4 and all students work towards accreditation in at least one language. For most pupils, this will be a GCSE course but from September 2024, a small number will prepare for a Kings Norton Girls’ School Certificate of basic competence in Spanish. Those students who have studied 2 languages in Key Stage 3 may decide to pursue both, in which case one will be their core language whilst the other is chosen as a GCSE option subject.
Course content in all three languages in Key Stage 4 builds extensively on work covered during Key Stage 3 but allows pupils to extend, refine and improve their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence-structure.
Topics covered for the 2023-2025 GCSE cohort are as follows:
Theme 1: Identity and Culture
- Me, my family and my friends
- Technology in everyday life
- Free time activities
- Customs and festivals in French/German/Spanish speaking countries
Theme 2: Local, National, International, Global areas of interest
- Home, town, neighbourhood and region
- Social issues
- Global issues
- Travel and tourism
Theme 3: Current and Future Education
- My studies
- Life at school/college
- Education post 16
- Jobs, career choice and ambitions
The four key skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing are all tested discretely at GCSE level and are each worth 25% of the final GCSE grade. An examination in each skill takes place at the end of the course, with the speaking test being conducted and recorded by the class teacher, but marked externally.
The 2024-2026 GCSE cohort will prepare for the new GCSE (for first accreditation in summer 2026). As listed above, each of the four key skills is equally weighted, with an examination in each skill at the end of the course. Key features of the new course are the inclusion of a dictation task and the amendment of the speaking test to include a reading aloud task. The course content has been revised as listed below:
Theme 1: People and lifestyle
Identity and relationships with others
Healthy living and lifestyle
Education and work
Theme 2: Popular culture
Free-Time activities
Customs, festivals and celebrations
Celebrity culture
Theme 3: Communication and the world around us
Travel and tourism, including places of interest
Media and Technology
The environment and where people live
Exam board
KS5 Curriculum
In Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, two homework tasks are set per week, to ensure that our students can maintain their progress from one lesson to the next. Tasks will vary between comprehension work, vocabulary learning, research tasks, online learning and practice activities, written tasks and preparation for assessments.
Students in Key Stage 5 will be set homework tasks after every lesson and will also be directed to additional tasks to complete during study periods or independent study time in school.
Extra-curricular activities
The Modern Foreign Languages Faculty offer a range of activities to enhance language-learning. Currently, in Year 8, students are offered the opportunity to enjoy a short residential trip to France. This is always well-supported. There is also a cross-curricular cultural visit to Spain for students in Year 10 studying Spanish and/or art/photography/textiles.
There is a thriving Language Ambassador group which includes students from Years 9-13. They run a lunchtime clinic to offer individual support to students in Key Stage 3 and take responsibility for promoting Modern Languages through displays, organisation of language-based competitions and presence at Open Evening events.