Photography is taught as a stand-alone subject for both GCSE and A Level at KNGS. In an era where visual images are everywhere, these courses aim to enable students to understand the power of photographs to convey information, messages and ideas and to investigate interesting, exciting and novel ways of exploring the world around us.
Using a wide variety of techniques, from digital to traditional, students will discover ways of creating original photographic images using a variety of media and in the process, develop their own original ways of seeing the world around them.
We have a spacious photography room with a generous studio space which is well equipped with both flash and continuous lighting equipment. Photoshop CS5 is available across the school network. The department has a range of digital and film cameras for students to use in school. There is a darkroom for students to experience traditional (analogue) photographic techniques. We have a comprehensive library containing both photographic art and technical books. We have a high quality inkjet printer for producing exhibition quality prints for display.
KS4 Curriculum
Students learn the fundamental technical principles that allow them to use their camera to produce creative images and express their creativity.
They will learn and be inspired by the work of the great photographers, past and present, and develop an understanding of what it takes to make outstanding photographic images.
Students experience a range of photographic media, both digital and traditional (analogue), and by gaining confidence in the media develop a unique style of photography.
Students will undertake a day trip to practice their learnt photography skills towards the end of Year 10
They experience a variety of genres of photography:
- Still life
- Portraiture
- Landscape
- Documentary / reportage
- Fine Art
- Fashion
- Abstract
- Stop-frame / moving image
- Mixed media / image transfer
- New media and computer manipulated imagery
Students will develop their independent learning skills, discovering their creative strengths. The GCSE is comprised of 2 Components:
- Component 1 (60%) – A portfolio of work comprising of more than one topic. (4 terms)
- Component 2 (40%) – An Externally Set Task. You will choose a topic from a choice of seven starting points set by the exam board. (2 terms)
Exam board
Homework is set weekly, and over longer time periods, and is either a specific research task or a short practical task focussing on embedding knowledge of specific functions of the camera.
Extra-curricular activities
A range of visits are available for photography students, to explore ways of seeing. There is a KS3 photography club after school each week.
Additional Information
Students benefit hugely by having their own good quality digital camera, preferably a digital SLR (DSLR). The photography department will be very happy to advise you further regarding this.
Curriculum Map
Please click here to view Curriculum Maps.