Physical Education
‘Inspiring and challenging girls to reach new heights and to explore their capabilities with confidence.’
The Physical Education Department is a highly dedicated and enthusiastic team. We strive to provide a supportive, stimulating and enjoyable environment for all of our students to excel and we offer a wide range of experiences that promote their character. We are committed to the delivery of high quality lessons and aim to ensure our students are aspirational about what they can achieve. We aim to encourage a lifelong interest in sport and exercise, providing moments of inspiration and enjoyment that will remain with them beyond their time at KNGS. We deliver a challenging and engaging curriculum across a wide range of activities, aiming to cater for all interests and abilities, whilst promoting participation and achievement for all. Physical Education is compulsory at key stages 3 and 4. All students at key stage 3 are allocated four one hour sessions per fortnight and at key stage 4, three hours per fortnight.
KS3 Curriculum
Students are given opportunities to learn skills, techniques and tactics for a range of team and individual sports. Students are encouraged to be creative, take on leadership roles and develop their understanding of why physical activity is important for healthy life choices.
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
KS4 Curriculum
All students follow a programme of study in Years 10 and 11 and in addition can choose to do GCSE PE. The Key Stage 4 programme builds on the skills covered in Key Stage 3 and offers opportunities to experience new activities with an increasing emphasis on health-related fitness. Students continue to be encouraged to develop and utilise their leadership skills within lessons and extra-curricular clubs.
Year 10 | Year 11 |
Those who choose to take this course have a further five hours per fortnight. The course is a combination of theoretical and practical aspects of physical education and sport. Students are assessed as a performer in a range of activities which include off-site activities such as swimming. Students must be assessed in team and individual activities. The top three practical marks are entered and are worth 40% of their final grade. Students will be required to sit two exams at the end of the two year course (worth 30% each), examining their knowledge and understanding of the theory elements covered.
Course Content
Year 10 | Year 11 |
Year 10 | Year 11 |
Exam board
KS5 Curriculum
At GCSE PE students receive theory homework once a week, such as examination questions to develop their exam technique. To improve their skills and techniques and to support their practical marks, there is also an expectation that students attend identified extra-curricular PE clubs and participate in their chosen sports outside of school.
Extra-curricular activities
We are proud of the wide range of extra-curricular club opportunities offered for students to get involved in. All sessions are run either by the PE staff in their own expert fields, other teaching staff who have a keen interest in particular areas, or by external coaches. Activities vary from term to term but include netball, trampolining and fitness, to name a few. Most clubs run from 3.15 – 4.15pm after school, although some lunchtime clubs are available. Extra-curricular timetables are published every half term. We would like to see all students take part in at least one extra-curricular activity at some point in each academic year. Good attendance at clubs is rewarded and celebrated.
The PE department organises a successful annual ski visit. The visit has been running for many years and is an opportunity for 30 students in Year 8 to gain a residential experience abroad with pupils from schools across Birmingham. Socialisation and interpersonal skills as well as language development are some key aims for the week.