
Praise is embedded in our culture, embraced by all and reflects our core values as students demonstrate Respect and Courage in order to Flourish.

One of the strongest drivers to success is intrinsic motivation; the self-satisfaction of knowing you gave it your best, and KNGS is full of students who do just that.

Students receive many forms of praise during lessons, enrichment and extra-curricular activities and social times. Praise is often rewarded with praise points. Praise points are communicated with parents via the SIMS app and lead to other rewards during the year. Praise is celebrated in many ways including:

Throughout the year we have a number of events to commend achievement and effort: Half termly Zero & Zenith recognises 100% attendance and Zero behaviour logs.

Attendance Award for 100% Cumulative attendance.

Termly Awards Assemblies celebrate progress and achievement in subjects as well as in the pastoral areas.

Tutor Group Awards are nominated by peers based around the school values.

Headteachers Values Awards reward 12 students termly for the exemplary display of one of the school values.

Top of the Mocks Year 11 celebration for those students who have made the most progress and achieved the highest mock results in each subject.

The Annual Awards, GCSE and A Level Certificate Presentations are among our biggest events and invite parents and carers to celebrate their child’s achievements.