Extra-Curricular – Timetable

At KNGS we believe that extracurricular activities and educational visits are a vitally important part of opening the world of opportunities for our students of all ages. We aim to recognise and support talents and interests but also offer fun and enjoyment too. We offer a range of activities and opportunities in order to engage each and every student. Extracurricular engagement not only enriches student life, it also broadens horizons, nurtures passions and fosters skills that extend far beyond the classroom.

Our full and varied extracurricular timetable changes each year but has included many different sports, arts, Eurovision, debating, crafts, social action, charity events, subject ambassadors, the spelling bee, Poetry Slam, sports fixtures, Duke of Edinburgh Award, ensembles at Symphony hall, and a wide range of House competitions and activities... There is something for everyone and through these clubs and activities students develop confidence, personal responsibility and care for others, creativity and curiosity for the world around, along with the interests which support wellbeing in life.

Again, educational visits change each year but in the last few years they have included visits to the theatre, engagement in charity work, visits to the Leicester Space centre, the zoo, Kenilworth Castle, places of worship, universities, Berlin’s holocaust museum, PGL residentials, problem solving days at Blackwell, Washington, Spain, France, visits to Parliament and the Supreme Court. Again, the list is very wide. We carefully consider how to ensure that we engage all students across their time at KNGS and Sixth Form and this is built into our seven-year Character Education Plan.

A clubs fair is held at the start of the year in order to encourage all students to join at least one club. Some clubs are aimed at specific ages and a few are for pre-identified students. Our PE Department publish updates to their clubs half termly throughout the year. In addition, other clubs are widely advertised in school. If you are a parent/carer, please talk to your child about which clubs they attend or are interested in.

Some of our clubs and Activities in 2024/5

Amnesty International Film Club Netball Training
Art club (KS3) Fitness 7-8 Nurture Club (Invite Only)
Badminton KS5 Fitness 9-13 Open Morning Guides
Basketball Club Flute Ensemble Orchestra
Behind the Scenes Food ambassadors PE Ambassadors
Book Club (Y7-10) Football Photography  Club
Book Film Club! Form Captains, Head Students Politics ambassadors
Brass Ensemble Games Robotics Club
Business & Enterprise  Club Gardening Club (Invite only) Science ambassadors
Business ambassadors Gay Club Student Leadership Group
Car Maintenance Basics GCSE Art open studio Textiles ambassadors
Chess Club Guitar Group Textiles Club
Choir Gymnastics BFG Club (Invite Only)
Christian Union Health and Social ambassadors Trampolining
Christmas in Vienna History ambassadors Young Enterprise
Coding Club (TBC) Indoor Hockey Maths Clinic (KS3 & 4)
Debating Club - Year 10 KS3 Drama Club Maths Clinic (KS5)
DofE Y10 (Applications) Language ambassadors Science Clinic (KS3 & 4)
Ensemble Money Conscious Meals (Invite only) Language Clinic
Eurovision Club Musical Production Prefects

Wider Clubs 2024

PE Clubs:

PE Clubs Jan-Feb 2025