Pastoral Support

About us

During their time at KNGS, all students no matter their starting points and backgrounds develop the necessary skills, opportunities to develop respect and courage and receive the required support to achieve their best outcomes; academically, personally and socially to be happy, healthy, safe and flourishing citizens both within the KNGS community and beyond. This will open the world of opportunities to students, and ensure they all demonstrate respect and courage in order to flourish.

We have a Pastoral Team who work closely with students, parents, teachers and tutors to ensure that students are supported during their time at KNGS. Each year group has a Head of Year, who will follow them through from Year 7- 9 and then Year 10-11. Each student will have a Form Tutor. Heads of Year are supported by our Pastoral Faculty Leader, Deputy Headteacher,  pastoral administration and support staff.

Pastoral Team

Head of Year 7: Miss Hale
Head of Year 8: Miss Cawley
Head of Year 9: Miss Gregory
Head of Year 10: Miss Wattison
Head of Year 11: Miss MacDonagh
Head of Sixth Form: Ms Ledwidge