NOTE: Our full Uniform Policy can be found on our Policies page.
School Uniform
Kings Norton Girls’ School expects its students to follow the uniform policy and we ask that any purchase of school wear which may be made adheres to this policy. The policy specifies the following uniform in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10:
Uniform Item |
Alternative high street (non-branded) items available |
Blouse for Years 7 – 10 Short or long-sleeved blouse with revere collar (preferred) and open necked in plain (school) pale blue. Image shows preferred revere collar Polo shirt for Y11 A white polo shirt instead of the blouse or a white long-sleeved shirt. |
Yes (unisex shirt in pale blue)
Yes |
Skirt for Year 7 – 10 Navy blue with back vent or navy blue with all round pleats. A material containing a polyester and viscose mix has been selected. Tight fitted, short and/or lycra skirts are NOT allowed. Skirt should be no more than 5cm above the knee. Skirt for Year 11 As above but can be black. |
Yes (length must be knee length and correct style, no more than 5 cm above the knee) |
Trousers Navy blue loosely hanging tailored trousers. Unisex style trousers are acceptable. Tight fitted trousers are not allowed. |
Yes (plain non-decorative) |
Jumper Year 7 – 10 KNGS V-neck sweatshirt in navy blue with our school logo. Sweatshirt Year 11 Round necked sweatshirt with the school logo in the chosen colour for that academic year. Prefect jumpers as above in black or grey. |
No (the school may have some second-hand to donate) |
Socks and tights Socks: White or black. Tights: Black Please note, socks and tights are not permitted to be worn at the same time however, black, below ankle trainer socks can be work over tights, as long as they are not visible. |
Yes |
Coats The PE fleece (described below) may be worn as a coat and is allowed to be worn indoors. Other coats can be worn to and from school but must be kept in lockers. |
See PE fleece below |
Shoes Smart shoes (not trainer or trainer style). Shoes must be plain (no patterns), black in colour (leather style) and low-heeled with preferably non-slip soles. Trainers, canvas shoes, pumps, shoes with logos, writing, large bows, decoration, stripes or sportswear of any description are not allowed to be worn. Examples of acceptable footwear
Yes |
PE Uniform Items |
Alternative high street (non-branded) items available |
Pale blue polo shirt (with optional school badge). Full length arms are acceptable (not available with a school badge). | Yes without school badge |
Navy blue fleece with school badge | No, this must be a branded item |
Navy blue or black waterproof jacket. | Yes |
Navy blue jogging bottoms or plain black leggings | Yes |
Navy blue shorts/skirts (optional) | Yes |
Plain white/blue/black sports socks | Yes |
White soled trainers (non-marking) | Yes |
Navy football socks (years 7 – 9 only) | Yes |
Football boots (years 7 – 9 only). Parents/carers will be informed when these are needed) | Yes |
Shin pads (years 7 – 9) | Yes |
- Midland Schoolwear, 1160 Warwick Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 6BP
- Kids Essential, 762 Bristol Road South, Northfield, Birmingham B31 2NN.
- Clive Mark Schoolwear, 38 Poplar Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7AD
Sixth Form Students
Students will be expected to present themselves in the manner of young professionals in preparing themselves for their future and as such wearing smart attire of their choosing. The Sixth Form Dress Code can be found in the Policies page of this website.
It is important the correct uniform is worn at all times. Non compliance will be dealt with in line with the Uniform and Behaviour for Learning Policy.
Non Uniform Days
Sometimes for charity events or certain trips students are allowed to wear no inform. Students must wear smart and appropriate clothes; short skirts/shorts, hats and piercings will still not be allowed. The same makeup and jewellery rules apply as for all other school days.
Uniform Policy – Appendix 2
Appearance at School:
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students at all times
Jewellery and Accessories
- With the exception of PE and some practical lessons, students may wear a flat signet ring, wrist watch and ONE small plain stud in each ear (all non-hazardous).
- One item of discreet devotional jewellery is also allowed but it must not be visible.
- Other piercings are NOT permitted.
- Bracelets are not permitted including the wearing of hairbands on the wrist.
- Students are not allowed to wear make-up in years 7, 8 and 9 and discreet foundation only from year 10.
- Students are not allowed to wear false eyelashes, nail varnish or any form of false nails.
Hair colour must be natural and style must be appropriate (at discretion of the school) for school (no unnatural highlights or multi tone colouring). Hair bands, if worn, must be plain blue or black. Hair clips should be natural, metallic or blue/black. Religious headscarves (Hijabs) must be blue or black; only plain slide clips are permitted, pins should not be used.
Coats and Shoes
- Coats and other outdoor clothing are not to be worn in school and must be kept in lockers.
- Students arriving in boots or other non-school footwear of any kind must change before entering any of the school buildings, they must then be kept in lockers and not worn again until after 3.05pm.
Students are expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for every lesson:
- Black or blue pen (and a spare)
- Coloured pencils
- Pair of compasses
- Scientific calculator (the school sells these at a reduced rate)
- Pencil
- Pencil eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Ruler
- Glue stick
- Protractor
- Fine fibre tips (optional)
Tipp-Ex / liquid paper is not allowed in school and must not be used in any school work.
Text books and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to school property.
Possessions and Lockers
We ask that all possessions and items of uniform are clearly marked with the student’s name and that valuable items are not brought into school.
In addition, each student has the opportunity to keep their belongings in a locker. Information on how to hire a locker can be found on the Lockers Page.
Lost property is kept in the school office and displays are held termly after which any unclaimed items are disposed of.
Please note that no responsibility can be taken for valuables or money brought to school by students.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are allowed in school but must remain switched off and out of sight at all times. The school does not have any liability for the loss of mobile phones. Tablets, mp3 players, iPods, iPads, etc. are not permitted in school. Any use of mobile phones, use of personal music players or inappropriate jewellery will result in the item being confiscated. Parents will then need to collect the item from the school.