
Exam Board: AQA

Students studying for an A Level qualification will be tested on all subject content in terminal examinations at the end of Year 13.

Language-learning in Key Stage 5 moves from the purely personal (my school, my family etc.) into the study of more abstract topics, which demand an extensive range of topic-specific vocabulary and a broader range of ideas. There is a clear focus on aspects of life in French-speaking society. Knowledge of grammar is consolidated and extended to allow for effective delivery of ideas in writing and orally. There are two written papers at the end of the course, one of which tests listening and reading skills and ability to translate from French into English and from English into French and the other paper focuses on essay writing (film and literature-based). Speaking is tested through an interview in French, based largely upon an Independent Research Project chosen by the candidate.

Year 12 subject content is as follows:

  • Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends (the changing nature of the family; the cyber-society; the role of volunteering)
  • Artistic culture in the French-speaking world (cinema; contemporary francophone music; a culture proud of its heritage)
  • Grammar
  • The study of one literary text or film chosen from a prescribed list.

In addition to the content listed above, students study the following in Year 13:

  • Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues (positive aspects of a diverse society; life for the marginalised; how criminals are treated)
  • Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world (teenagers and the right to vote and political engagement; politics and immigration; strikes and protests – who has the power?)
  • Grammar (extended)
  • Either a literary text or a film (whichever genre is not studied during Year 12).

Entry requirements:

Grade 6 in French at GCSE.

Progression routes and careers:

Modern Languages are a real asset on your CV as they are one of the facilitating subjects at Advanced Level for entry to the Russell Group Universities. They can be combined with a very wide range of different subjects for university level study. Knowledge of a modern language is a sought-after skill in employment, where your language skills can make a difference of between 10-15% to your salary

 “Companies particularly value an employee’s ability to communicate conversationally with potential business partners, customers or clients in their own language: this can help break the ice, deepen cultural understanding and open access to new markets” (CBI/EDI Education and Skills Survey).

Language skills can be used in almost any career, and particularly in businesses that trade internationally

Job options

Examples of jobs directly related to a Modern Languages degree include:

Jobs where your Modern Languages degree would be useful include: