
Exam Board: Edexcel

The specification for A Level Mathematics is the same for every exam board and consists of both pure and applied mathematics; the applied content is drawn from statistics and mechanics. The Mathematics A Level is examined via 3 papers (2 Pure and 1 applied), which all equally weighted, at the end of the two year course.

Course content:

Pure – Algebraic expressions and functions, quadratics, equations and Inequalities, graphs and transformations, straight  line graphs, circles, algebraic methods, the binomial expansion, trigonometric ratios, identities and equations, vectors, differentiation, integration, exponentials and logarithms, sequences and series, and parametric equations.

Mechanics – Modelling in mechanics, vectors in mechanics, constant acceleration, vertical motion under gravity, forces and motion, connected particles, variable acceleration and moments.

Statistics – Data collection, measures of location and spread, representation of data, correlation, probability, venn diagrams, statistical distributions, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation and normal distribution.

Entry requirements:

Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics. Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics will be considered on an individual basis.

Progression routes and careers:

A Level Mathematics prepares students for higher study of mathematics at university as well as many other subjects including the sciences, law, economics and management. Students entering the world of work find that employers greatly value the qualification as it shows the potential to develop a rewarding career in many areas. There are also financial incentives for students who study mathematics to a higher level – people with A Level Mathematics tend to earn more.

Extra Curricular activities:

There are many extra-curricular opportunities including the team maths challenge, the maths ambassador scheme working with Year 7 pupils, organising numeracy competitions and supporting lower school students in maths clinics.