Physical Education

Exam Board: OCR

Course content:

 Theory (70%)

Component 1- Physiological Factors Affecting Performance: Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics.

Component 2- Psychological Factors Affecting Performance: Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology.

Component 3- Socio-cultural and Contemporary Issues: Sport, society and technological influences.

Practical (30%)

Component 4- Performance within Physical Education: Performance or coaching practical – in one chosen sport (from the approved DfE list) and Analysis and Evaluation of Performance for Improvement (EAPI).

Assessment for examination:

A Level – a two hour written paper and two one hour written papers for the theory aspect. The practical performance in one sport and an evaluation task are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Entry requirements:

It is expected that students will have achieved a grade 6 in GCSE PE and GCSE science, and are regularly competing in their chosen sport outside of school, at a good standard.

Progression routes and careers:

  • Entrance for university courses.
  • Employment in the field of sport, leisure and recreation.
  • Careers in the public services: teaching, nursing and physiotherapy, armed forces and police.