

Art and Design Textiles, consists of a two year course with practical based units of work encompassing a ‘hands on’ approach with one internal written essay.


The four criteria’s: Contextual understanding, reflective recording, creative making and personal presentation are key elements of the course. Module 1 is an in-depth personal investigation of a theme or subject chosen by the student, worth 60% of the final grade. Before commencing this component, a range of textile techniques are investigated and experimented with, initially through workshops which help develop students’ knowledge and skills in the field of Textiles. Component 2 is an externally set assignment worth 40% of the final grade where students choose from a list of starting points set by the exam board. This component concludes with 15 hours of unaided, supervised time allowing students to produce a high quality and highly personal response to the theme.

Students can select whichever field of Textiles they which to develop which can range from Fashion design, Interior design, costume design, the use of printed, woven or constructed textiles or any other combination of textiles techniques relevant to their personal investigations. Students learn to use current technologies and skilfully combine and blend ideas in visual and other means. They learn to analyse existing designers, artists and draw upon contemporary styles and media to enhance their final outcomes through 2D or 3D form. They respond with mixed media ideas which combine a range of in-depth fabric embellishment techniques.


Excellent facilities are available for teaching textiles with a dedicated textiles classroom with large working areas and a range of equipment and resources. Colour fabric printing facilities, computerised CAD CAM sewing machines, over lockers and embellishing machine die cutters are just some of the technologies available.

Entry requirements:

Grade 6 in GCSE Textiles or related subject. Other students will be considered on an individual basis.

Future progression and Careers:

Foundation course in Art and Design – Higher National Diploma. Further textile related courses/degrees, fashion design, interior design, freelance design, costume design, teacher of textiles, retail manager, merchandiser, textiles technician, textiles research, market analyst, retail analyst, product manufacturing, seamstress.