Worried about…
Worried about: Online sexual abuse, sexual harassment or the way someone has been communicating with you online?
You can contact the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command to report online concerns.
- We still recommend telling a staff member so we support either with the safeguarding aspect or with the emotional support.
- CEOP also run the Thinkuknow website, with sections for children and parents.
- Barnardos also offer help and advice: https://www.barnardos.org.uk/
- If you would like to know more about how to teach your child to stay safe online you can also visit Childnet or Internet Matters which contains guides to staying safe on popular websites and apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Roblox.
Worried about: Child Sexual Exploitation?
What should I do if I am worried about sexual exploitation?
You can always contact us at school, any member of staff.
The following organisations are also helpful:
- Barnardos have a website section with information and advice on child sexual exploitation
- See Me Hear Me gives young people, parents, teachers and school leaders practical advice and information about sexual exploitation, the risks along with help and advice
Worried about: Teenage relationship abuse?
What should I do if I am concerned about sexual or emotional abuse between teenagers? (the relationship I am in, my friends or my child’s)
You can always contact us at school, any member of staff.
The following organisations are also helpful:
Worried about: Gangs?
What should I do if I am worried about someone being involved in gangs? That could be me, my friend, or my child.
Some young people can be caught up in gang culture and want out. At the same time some parents, guardians and friends may be worried about their loved ones becoming involved in gangs but don’t know what to do.
Gangs can be involved in child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation.
You can always contact us at school, any member of staff or the following organisations might also be helpful:
- For advice you can visit NSPCC then search gangs. They have dedicated support for gang related worries.
- Childline also a specific gang related worry area Gangs | Childline
- West Midlands Police also has a dedicated area related to gangs.
Addiction or worries about Drugs or Alcohol abuse or Gambling
Worried about my own or someone else’s use of drugs, alcohol or gambling?
What can I do?
You can always contact us at school, any member of staff.
The following organisations are also helpful:
- Aquarius / (0121 622 8181) offer support to people who have an addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling
- The NSPCC have a section on alcohol including a dedicated helpline
- Want to get better educated on the facts about drugs? Talk to Frank are an organisation that educates young people about drugs
Young carer. Am I or a friend looking after a family member?
Some children take on regular or ongoing care and support for another family member (usually a parent or sibling) with a physical or mental illness, a disability, or who is struggling with substance (alcohol/drugs) misuse.
I am a young carer (or think I might be) or someone I know is a young carer, how can I get support or get them help and support?
You can always contact us at school, any member of staff.
The following organisation is a nationwide charity that supports young carers.
- Spurgeons
- Spurgeons offers a wide range of services to support young carers, from mentoring and educational support to activities and trips away to give them much needed time out from their caring duties.
- Schools pastoral staff can help make a referral, talk to a Head of Year.
Worried about: Extremism and Radicalisation?
What should I do if I am worried about Extremism and Radicalisation?
You can always contact us at school, any staff member. We work with different agencies who can advise and support. The important thing is get early help and intervention before things escalate.
The following organisations are also helpful:
- Educate against hate.
- This website gives parents, teachers and school leaders practical advice on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation
- educateagainsthate.com